Towards Resistant Audio Adversarial Examples

Fraunhofer AISEC

Towards Resistant Audio Adversarial Examples

Tom Dörr*, Karla Markert*, Nicolas M. Müller, Konstantin Böttinger

Fraunhofer AISEC;;;

*Both authors contributed equally to this research.

Adversarial examples tremendously threaten the availability and integrity of machine learning-based systems. While the feasibility of such attacks has been observed first in the domain of image processing, recent research shows that speech recognition is also susceptible to adversarial attacks. However, reliably bridging the air gap (i.e., making the adversarial examples work when recorded via a microphone) has so far eluded researchers. We find that due to flaws in the generation process, state-of-the-art adversarial example generation methods cause overfitting because of the binning operation in the target speech recognition system (e.g., Mozilla Deepspeech). We devise an approach to mitigate this flaw and find that our method improves generation of adversarial examples with varying offsets. We confirm the significant improvement with our approach by empirical comparison of the edit distance in a realistic over-the-air setting. Our approach states a significant step towards over-the-air attacks. We publish the code and an applicable implementation of our approach.

DOI: 10.1145/3385003.3410921

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Without Offset Training

Figure 1
Figure 1: The plot shows the edit distance between prediction and targeted adversarial label for settings 1 - 4 from Table 1 in the paper (y-axis: edit distance; x-axis: added offset in samples).

With Offset Training

Figure 2
Figure 2: Offset analysis for four adversarial audio files (same original - target combination as in Figure 1) that were generated with the offset training (y-axis: edit distance; x-axis: added offset in samples). Axis limits chosen as in Figure 1 to improve comparability.